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The information is provided as a public service

Camino Del Rio NorthSuite 423San Diego, CA 92108+1-(858)-779-1554E-Mail: mail@shareholdersfoundation. On February 23, 2016, The Advisory Board Company disclosed the extent of the problems with Royall.Investors who purchased shares The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO should contact the Shareholders Foundation at mail@shareholdersfoundation. is a professional portfolio monitoring and settlement claim filing service, and an investor advocacy group, which does research related to shareholder issues and informs investors of securities class actions, settlements, judgments, and other legal related news to the stock/financial market.About Shareholders Foundation, Inc.A lawsuit was filed on behalf of investors in The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) shares over alleged securities laws violatiThe Shareholders Foundation announces that an investor, who purchased shares of The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO),


filed a lawsuit over alleged violations of Federal Securities Laws by The Advisory Board Company in connection with certain allegedly false and misleading statements. is not a law firm.8 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2015, compared to a net loss of 5.59 per share in March 2016.4 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2014.The Shareholders Foundation, Inc.7 million (subsequently increased to 99. Shareholders Foundation, Inc. On August 3, 2017, NASDAQ:ABCO shares closed at 55.15 per share.Those who purchased shares of The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) have certain options and should contact the Shareholders Foundation.comThis release was published on openPR.com or call +1(858) 779 - 1554. On that date, The Advisory Board Company announced a net loss of 101. The information is provided as a public service. The Shareholders Foundation, Inc. It is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied upon.” Indeed, Royall produced only 118 million in revenue in 2015, compared to defendants’ guidance of 125 million to 130 million.Media Contact:Michael DanielsShareholders Foundation.


Inc.. is in contact with a large number of shareholders and offers help, support, and assistance for every shareholder. Shares of The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) declined to 28.The plaintiff claims that between January 21, 2015 and China Schuko Plugs Manufacturers February 23, 2016, the defendants made materially false and misleading statements and/or failed to disclose adverse information regarding Advisory Board’s business and operations, including that there were severe integration problems associated with Advisory Board’s acquisition of Royall and, as a consequence of these integration problems, defendants had no basis to increase the revenue guidance for Royall between January 21, 2015 and February 23, 2016.1 million) to Royall’s goodwill, due to Royall’s “first year performance being below the expectations we had set as of the acquisition date. According to the Company, the increase in net loss was primarily attributable to an impairment charge of 95